You might wonder if learning music helps or distracts kids in school. The answer is, IT DEFINITELY HELPS! At bet365中文’ World bet365中文 we have not one but two amazing music teachers that give private lessons at the school.

Here are just a few reasons to sign your kids up for music lessons:

The combined results of 12 experimental studies indicate a positive relationship between voluntary music study and math achievement.
Vaughn, K.  (2000).  Music and mathematics: Modest support for the oft-claimed relationship.  Journal of Aesthetic Education, 34(3/4), 149-66.

The combined results of 30 studies indicate that music instruction is linked to significantly improved reading skills.
Standley, J. M.  (2008).  Does music instruction help children learn to read?  Evidence of a meta-analysis.  Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, 27(1), 17-32.

Children with music training had significantly better verbal memory than those without such training, and the longer the training, the better the verbal memory.
Ho, Y. C., Cheung, M. C., & Chan, A. Music training improves verbal but not visual memory: cross-sectional and longitudinal explorations in children (2003) Neuropsychology, 12, 439-450

On the 2012 SAT, students who participated in music scored an average of 31 points above average in reading, 23 points above average in math, and 31 points above average in writing.
College Board SAT, 2012 College-Bound Seniors: Total Group Profile Report.  (See table 18.)

Students who participate in music groups score significantly higher than their peers on measures of social capital, including talking more with parents and teachers.
Broh, B. A. (2002). Linking extracurricular programming to academic achievement: Who benefits and why?Sociology of Education, 75(1), 69-95.

So, YES, it does help. Plus, it’s so much fun! To enroll your kids in music at bet365中文’ World, fill out the form below. We will send it along to one of our music teachers and they will contact you shortly.

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